Spring 2004 HOMEY/CARECEN Domestic Violence Work shops
HOMEY in collaboration with CARECEN's Second Chance Tattoo Removal program launched 12 weeks of Domestic Violence workshops. HOMEY's Henry Spanky Morales and CARECEN's Hugo Salgado co-facilitated these workshops. The project was funded in part by The Department of Health the M.S. foundation. The participants attended twelve weeks of workshops that defined different types and levels of abuse i.e. verbal, emotional, financial and physical abuse. The youth ranged in age from 13-18 all the participants were given a small stipend and a light lunch as a result, of these workshop, some of the youth participants are currently working on a project that has youth from The Center for young Womens development (a gender specific organization that provides support and education to young women ages 12 to 24 www.cywd.org ) Break the Cycle,( a national organization that provides confidential free legal support and service to young people www.breakthecycle.org) , and CARECEN's Second Chance Program (who provides Tattoo Removal and Case management that helps in the transition of young people who have chosen to leave the Gang life www.carecensf.org) the focus of this project is to bring awareness to Domestic violence specifically dating violence among teens. HOMEY will collaborate with Conscious Youth Media crew on the production of a video that showcases the CARECEN/HOMEY domestic violence workshops&Please check back with us later.
In Struggle,